Fractal Flame 1 by Mental Vagabond


München, Germany

Three bikes in Munich with very different character. Suitably, since this is in Bayern, one of them is a BMW.

Camera: Sharp 902, mobile phone camera
Location: Munich, Bayern, Germany
Date: 2007/04/10, Tuesday
Image processing: Text added with GIMP 2.2.13.


Bayern, Germany

Photo of bikes in the mountains of Bayern, Germany.This picture is taken on the road from München (Munich) to Walchensee. Beautiful surroundings with the mountains and the lakes. The photo is taken with the lake Kochelsee in the back. This area had more or less the same number of bikes as cars on this day. Very nice indeed.

Camera: Sharp 902, mobile phone camera
Location: Bayern, Germany
Date: 2007/04/09, Monday
Image processing: Text added with GIMP 2.2.13.


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A red Honda outside the entrance to the cable cars to Sentosa island, Singapore.

Camera: Sharp, mobile phone
Date: Christmas day, 2006

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2007/04/19, Thursday: Applied for the blog to be listed in Blog Explosion.